For me, six months marked the end of the newborn phase more than four months did. At six months, your baby is squishier, with oh-so-squeezable rolls and a knowing smile that you just can’t get enough of. Their little personalities are starting to shine through, your baby may have already developed a habit that you want to remember forever. (Like this baby girl here, sticking her tongue out in the cutest possible way!)

What is different about a six month old photoshoot?
Unlike a maternity or newborn photoshoot, your baby is just that- a baby! Newborn photography sessions are all about your baby’s tiny size, the newness of everything, a celebration of their mere existence in the world. However, your baby’s six month photography session is a celebration of their personality and babyhood. Not to mention getting through the newborn stage. Six months is when everything seems to get easier, when your baby’s sleep schedule is more predictable, when you wake up and have an idea of what your day will look like. Your baby’s cheeks have filled out, their thighs perfectly rolled since they probably haven’t started walking yet. Give it another six months and they’ll be a totally different baby. You want to remember this time.

Why you should make this a Mommy-and-Me Photoshoot:
At six months postpartum, you may not feel like going dress shopping or putting on make up and curling your hair, but I promise it’s worth it. Fifty, sixty, seventy years from now, your six month old baby will be showing their own family their baby photos, and they will want to be able to point and say, “Look at my beautiful mother holding me here. Look, you have her smile.”

I help you plan out the entire session, feel free to text me photos of dresses and outfits for your family. I have a small studio wardrobe that you’re welcome to use when you book with me.
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If you’d like to book a session like the one you see here, use the book tab on my website or email me at
Click here for more elegant family styling ideas, styled from Donsje and Needle and Thread.

Inspired by Bollywood and fairytales, Sim Sawyers creates ethereal portraits full of magic and love. She is currently knee deep in Amsterdam stroopwaffle.