Nori Picnics | Birthday Party in Amsterdam

I recently photographed a three year old’s birthday party and it was GORGEOUS. I mean, probably prettier than my wedding. And you can have the same set up with Nori Picnics. They were just leaving from setting up the decorations when I arrived to start taking photographs, and they came back to take it all down as well.

They also have the hook-up with some local catering companies, so they had the food all up and ready to go as well. The food table was gorgeous as well, have a look!

If you’d like to book me for event photography, please use my inquiry form or message me directly at

I do not post faces without permission, and as this was a child’s birthday party, I didn’t track down all of the parents to get permission to share their children’s faces, but this family received images of their family and guests as part of their album.

If you’d rather me not share your event at all, that is also fine! These are your images, so I don’t mind keeping them private. I’m happy to abide by your policies.

Read more about digital privacy and your family portraits here.

If you’re interested in Nori Picnics, click here.

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